Healthcare & Retirement
Section 125 Cafeteria Plan
InformationSmyth County offers a Premium Conversion Section 125 Cafeteria Plan which allows employees to make premium payments through payroll deduction on a pre-tax basis. Therefore, the employee will not owe Federal Income Tax, FICA, or State Tax on the premium amounts. Participation is purely voluntary. Employees have the opportunity each year in enroll, change or withdraw from the plan. Employees should understand that their elections to pre-tax benefits cannot be changed during the plan year unless there is a qualifying event such as certain changes in family status including marriage, divorce, death of a family member, or loss of other coverage.
Voluntary ProductsInformation
These products are offered during the Open Enrollment Period on a Pre-tax and Post-tax basis:
Virginia Retirement System
InformationSmyth County is a member of the Virginia Retirement System (VRS). VRS provides retirement benefits to public sector employees in Virginia. You contribute up to 5% of your compensation each month to your member contribution account through a pre-tax salary reduction. Your contributions are tax-deferred until you withdraw them as part of your retirement benefit or as a refund. Your employer makes a separate contribution to VRS for all covered employees. VRS invests contributions to provide for your future benefit payment.

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Healthcare Insurance19 documents
- Credible Coverage Notice 2020
- The Local Choice – TLC 2020 Key Advantage 1000
- Dental Options: Comprehensive versus Preventative
- Insurance Premium Rates 2020-2021
- Enrollment Form 2020-2021
- Benefits Summary 2020-2021
- Personal Information Change Form
- Open Enrollment Period
- Find an In-Network Doctor
- Check Claims Status
- Download Temporary ID Card
- The Local Choice Prescription Drug Plan
- The Local Choice – Prescription Drug Tier Listing
- The Local Choice – Express Scripts By Mail Order Form
- The Local Choice – Delta Dental Plan
- The Local Choice – Blue View Vision
- The Local Choice – Employee Assistance Program
- The Local Choice – Member Handbook
- The Local Choice – Live Health Online